Financial Aid Policy




Scottsdale Aquatic Club has a financial aid / scholarship program that exists for the sole purpose of helping members through periods of financial hardship. It is not intended as a recruiting tool nor is it available to swimmers that have graduated from high school. The program is designed to cover the cost of the swimmer’s dues for a period of one year. The eligibility period runs from the beginning of the short course season, typically September, through the end of the long course season the following August. 


Members seeking assistance should contact the team administrator and submit the required documents for review.  Eligibility is not automatic as there is limited aid available.  Families that apply will have to comply with the requirements set forth below.  Failure to do so can lead to the termination or lack of eligibility for aid.  Please return the completed form in a sealed envelope marked Financial Aid to Courtney in the SAC office.

  • Scottsdale residents have priority.

  • Current team members have priority.

  • Family must be is in good standing at the time of application.

  • Family must fulfill volunteer and quarterly fundraising requirements over the course of the year.

  • Demonstrate financial need – submit copy of 1040 and team financial aid documents. Examples are on the following pages.

  • Financial aid is for dues only. Members must pay USA Swimming, meet, fundraising and travel costs.

  • Families that have been on team financial aid for more than one year have lower eligibility priority.          

  • Only one child per family is eligible for aid.

Downloadable Application Form